Rule of Law and Human Rights
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The Senate recognises that the basis of Nigeria’s democracy is rule of law. The principle of rule of law emphasises
a nation governed by laws and requiring that everyone, person or authority is subject to rule of law. The Senate will carry
out its constitutional responsibilities in a manner that emphasises accomplishment of a nation where the rule of law prevails. The Senate’s powers of law making, oversight and representation will be exercised to ensure that laws are made that are fair and applicable to everyone. The Senate recognises that Nigeria’s justice system and the protection of all persons under a just system of government where human rights are applied and respected is paramount. To achieve this, the Senate will take the following steps:
i. Institute a robust oversight system that ensures that institutions of State follow due process in their operations and can be held accountable.
ii. Review and harmonise legislation to achieve respect for rule of law, due process and human rights.