Anti-Corruption and Legislative Oversight

Corruption in Nigeria has had widespread and detrimental impacts on various aspects of society, economy, and governance Some of the effects of corruption include reduced economic growth, inefficient resource allocation, poverty and inequality, limited access to essential services like healthcare, education, clean water and electricity, poor infrastructure, weakened institutions, diminished public trust and reduced accountability The 10th House of Representatives will adopt legislative initiatives to strengthen its oversight functions to combat corruption in Nigeria To this end, the House will adopt legislative measures towards achieving the following:

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Anti-Corruption and Legislative Oversight
  1. Strengthen the existing legal frameworks regulating anti-corruption agencies
  2. Ensure independence of anti-corruption agencies
  3. Strengthen existing anti-corruption agencies to consolidate their functions and operations and promote synergy and information sharing for effectiveness
  4. Provide comprehensive coverage for investigative hearings on anti-corruption issues and follow through with implementation of Committee recommendations through the power of the purse
  5. Document investigative hearings with recommendations implemented for legacy purposes and made available to the public through House authorised platforms
  6. Follow up on enforcement of penalties for corrupt practices by the appropriate authorities
  7. Provide funding to anti-corruption and law enforcement agencies to enhance their capacity to effectively investigate and prosecute corruption cases
  8. Introduce legislative measures to strengthen the public procurement processes to enhance transparency and competitiveness and curb corruption.
  9. Introduce sectoral briefs at plenary to promote transparency and accountability in government operations
  10. Expedite passage of the Whistleblower Protection Bill to protect witnesses in security-related cases to encourage more people to come forward with information
  11. Work with the Executive to ensure speedy passage of the Federal Audit Service Commission Bill to strengthen the autonomy and powers of the Auditor General to better support the oversight function of the National Assembly
  12. Amend the Public Procurement Act with a view to removing unnecessary delays in the process/procedure
  13. Ensure access to information and protect fundamental freedoms through adherence to national laws and international agreements signed to by Nigeria
  14. A legislative framework to compel MDAs with delegated powers to make subsidiary legislation to present such to the National Assembly for approval prior to publication in the Official Gazette.
  15. Regularly and adequately fund oversight
  16. Introduce legislative measures to mandate collaboration and synergy in the activities of anti-corruption agencies

The legislature is the most critical institution charged with promoting transparency and accountability, holding the government to account, reducing and exposing corruption, improving effectiveness and ensuring value for money Strengthening legislative oversight is crucial for ensuring the effective functioning of government In furtherance of this mandate, the 10th House shall undertake the following:

  1. Strengthen Committees of the House to enhance their oversight functions.
  2. Improve the capacity of the Public Accounts and Finance Committees to undertake their constitutionally assigned mandates.
  3. Ensure that Committees utilise the available tools in the oversight of MDAs The recommended Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) standards for oversight activities by Committees will be encouraged, focusing on the conduct of regular hearings and inquiries/investigations, timely and unrestricted access to the documents, reports and data relevant
    to oversight, improved funding to Committees for oversight, develop performance metrics and indicators to measure success and use data-driven insights in oversight
  4. Build partnership with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as it relates to oversight
  5. Investing in training and re-training of Committee Members, staff and legislative aides to enhance their capacity to support Committees in discharging their oversight functions
  6. Embrace technology to streamline and improve the House oversight processes
  7. Review and amend the Legislative Powers and Privileges Act (2018) and bring it up to date
  8. Pass legislation to enforce penalties and sanctions for breach of legislative summons
  9. Ensure regular publication of oversight reports, findings and recommendations