Inter-Agency Collaboration and Improved Intelligence Sharing
Strengthening intelligence gathering and sharing among security and intelligence agencies is crucial for enhancing national security Effective review of existing legal and regulatory frameworks can institutionalise and streamline this process The 10th House will adopt the following measures in this regard:
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- Strengthen existing structures and expedite the passage of a law to create a centralised hub where different intelligence and security agencies can collate, analyse, and disseminate intelligence This would ensure a coordinated approach to intelligence sharing
- Expedite the passage of amendments specifying the primary areas of operation, responsibility, and coordination where multiple agencies share coordinate jurisdiction This will reduce overlap and competition The House will ensure speedy passage of the following Bills in this regard:
a. Armed Forces Act (Amendment) Bill
b. Police Act (Amendment) Bill
c. Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Act (Amendment) Bill
d Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Act (Amendment) Bill
e National Security and Civil Defence Corps Act (Amendment) Bill
f Customs and Excise Management Act (Amendment) Bill - Develop a legal framework that mandates routine inter-agency meetings, briefings, and collaboration exercises to foster trust and understanding between agencies
- Amend the National Security Agencies Act (NSA) to enhance their capacity, collaboration, and efficiency and consolidate the position of the Coordinator of National Security with that of the National Security Adviser
- Enact comprehensive data protection legislation to ensure intelligence agencies handle personal data carefully and within legal boundaries
- Create legislative guidelines for standardising intelligence software, databases, and communication tools to ensure compatibility and ease of sharing across platforms
- Ensure the speedy passage of the Whistleblower Protection Bill to protect individuals who expose threats to national security
- Strengthen legislative oversight and accountability through the relevant committees of the House
- Enact legislation that mandates continuous training for intelligence personnel, focusing on modern intelligence-gathering techniques, analysis, inter-agency collaboration, and cybersecurity
- Collaborate with the Office of the National Security Adviser to amend the Cybercrimes Act, 2015, to bring it up to date, promote intelligence sharing on cyber threats, and establish dedicated cyber intelligence units
- Allocate resources for acquiring modern intelligence tools, surveillance technology, and analytic software to enhance intelligence gathering and sharing capabilities
- Pass a law to establish internal review bodies within intelligence agencies to evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and legality of intelligence