Judicial Reform, Rule of Law and Human Rights

The rule of law is a fundamental principle of good governance, and it plays a crucial role in ensuring a just and equitable society Over the years, several challenges have impeded the rule of law in Nigeria, including corruption, a weak judicial system, inadequate and unequal access to justice, human rights violations, complex and inconsistent legal frameworks, ethnic and religious tensions and security challenges The 10th House of Representatives is committed to ensuring that all individuals, institutions, and entities, including the government, are accountable to and governed by laws that are applied consistently and fairly The House undertakes to do the following:

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Judicial Reform, Rule of Law and Human Rights
  1. Judicial Reforms: Reforming and strengthening the judiciary in Nigeria is crucial for upholding the rule of law, ensuring accountability, promoting justice, and fostering economic development Accordingly, the 10th House is committed the following:
  1.  Pass a law to regulate the process of selection and appointment of judges outlining detailed processes and requirements as well as greater transparency and public involvement at all stages
  2. Amend the Constitution and relevant statutes to expand membership of the appointing institutions
  3. Ensure compliance to constitutional provisions and guidelines through oversight
  4. Consult on the merit of establishing specialised courts to handle specific types of cases, which could expedite case resolution and reduce backlogs
  5.  Provide adequate resources for speedy dispensation of justice
  6. Improve transparency and public accountability through oversight by relevant committees
  7. Improve the remuneration of judges and judicial officers to minimise corruption
  8. Support the introduction of a merit-based system in appointment and promotion of judges
  9. Expand and strengthen legislative scrutiny and create legal framework to regulate the process
  10. Promote measures that ensure inclusion and respect for diversity in appointment of judges
  11. Advocate the full implementation of judicial financial independence as guaranteed by the Fourth Constitutional Alteration, and ultimately improve the process and ensure fairness and transparency
  12. Review and update critical obsolete legislations and collaborate with the Law Reform Commission to update the Laws of the Federation.
  13. Simplify and harmonise laws, regulations, and legal processes to enhance clarity and consistency