
Oct 16, 2024 - 12:48
Oct 16, 2024 - 15:42
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Improving women’s political representation and participation in Nigeria is essential for achieving a more inclusive, balanced, and democratic society. While the participation of women in Nigeria’s political sphere has gradually increased over the years, it is still far from optimal. Legislative reform can be crucial in increasing women’s representation in politics.

The 10th Senate will take legislative actions to promote women’s political representation and participation as follows:
i. Re-introduce and support the Bill on Temporary Special Seats for Women in the Constitution amendment efforts of the 10th National Assembly.
ii. Legislate to increase women’s representation in elective positions by creating special women-only seats in the Senate and House of Representatives and encouraging State Houses of Assembly to do the same.
iii. Introduce electoral reforms to implement mandatory requirements for political parties to have a certain percentage of female candidates and in party leadership structure.
iv. Promote funding or subsidies specifically for female candidates to reduce the financial barriers to entry.

v. Strengthen the Electoral Act 2022 to penalise violence, intimidation and harassment against women in politics.
vi. Prioritise financing for mainstreaming Gender Equality, including the National Gender Policy, the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) and the Child Rights Act, with costed plans at the state level and gender-responsive planning and budgeting at the Federal and State levels.
vii. Pass the Gender and Equal Opportunities Bill (GEOB) to ensure active and equal participation in Nigeria’s political and decision- making processes.
viii. Strengthen oversight of government institutions to ensure compliance with the National Gender Policy and court judgement on the full implementation of the 35% affirmative action on appointive and elective positions in both public and private sectors.
ix. Strengthen the women’s caucus in the Senate to better advocate for women-specific issues and mentor upcoming female politicians.
x. Support maternity leave for up to six months.